ABOUT THIS: My boyfriend and I are getting hitched in Iceland this summer. Okay, you're all caught up.

Our Registries


Tuesday, November 30, 2010



Good morning my groom to be,

Here in Iceland, it is getting to be very much like Christmas. It is snowy and cozy with all the Christmas lights.

On Friday, you will arrive in the morning. I will have your room ready. Are you sure you don’t want to have few hours rest before meeting? We can meet around 11.00 in the main Lobby.
I will make sure that the room has twin beds. I do look forward to meeting you!

My big regards

Monday, November 29, 2010

Oh, Right...Friday


It is very, amazingly, terrifyingly difficult to believe that I will arrive in Iceland this Friday morning. But alas, that is exactly what is about to happen.

Back when we first decided to undertake this insane plan in the first place, Eric and I decided I would take a weekend and fly to Reykjavik for a long weekend to meet with Anna. We knew my current job would be finished by then (which turned out not to be true), and wherever I worked next would just have to deal with me missing one day to jet off to the Arctic Circle, an excuse I’m sure employers are just plain tired of hearing at this point. Eric knew he would be working those days, and so it was decided I would go flying off to a strange land in permanent wintry darkness all by myself. Until Tracie.

Tracie and I went to college together, sang elitist northeastern college a cappella together, wrote a smash hit musical together, and have experienced madcap antics in cities ranging from New York to LA to Providence to Montreal to Poughkeepsie. That’s right. Poughkeepsie!

On our saddest day, we even spent an unspeakable night in 2004 at the worst hotel in America. We lived to tell the tale, but are still secretly convinced a gestating dirt alien will burst through our hearts unexpectedly in twenty years, killing us instantly and deservedly so. Seriously, people. Do not ever go to that hotel. You'll emerge looking like this:

And now, this weekend, we will bring you a madcap photo tour through Reykjavik. We’ll bring a good flash for our cameras, because the sun will not be up at all.

In other news...
What is this site? Where am I?
Or start at the beginning.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Honeymoon with Everyone


Bumping up the Honeymoon in Everyplace entry as a reminder of our honeymoon. Why? Because we want you to come with us! Eric's family has already booked their car.

Take a look here and here. We will leave on our road trip on Monday, August 23rd and it lasts 10 days (9 nights). Early bird prices now available!

In other news...
What is this site? Where am I?
Or start at the beginning.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Postal System Works and I Can Prove It


Christine gazes upon her invitation and contemplates the land of Ice.  

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Poem From Mom and Herb


"A Poem from Mom and Herb"
OMG these invites rule
So off to Iceland where it's cool
We'll go and watch you tie the knot
And not come back here 'cause it's hot
We're waiting for the very day
When this is legal in the USA!
 Thanks, guys.


What is this site? Where am I?
Or start at the beginning.

Monday, November 15, 2010



Oh, hi.

Did you get anything in the mail today? Anything blue, ornate, and weighing sixty-one cents? According to my grandmother, that is WAY too much money to spend on a letter (or a movie. Or a pickle. Or a hip replacement), but it seemed worth it to have those invitations make it to their destination. Which apparently they have. Which is how you ended up here.

Eric and I started this blog with one year to go until our wedding in Iceland. We hope it will serve as a source of information as we (and hopefully you!) prepare to undertake this journey. We hope you'll ask lots of strange and complicated questions that we can post here in order to answer them for everyone else. We hope you'll learn where Iceland is. Or what to do (and not to do) and what to eat (and not to eat) when you get there. Or why getting married is like moving to New York. Or running a marathon. And you might want to know why we're not getting married in America. Or why we're not getting married in America. Or why we're not getting married in America. And since we love you very much, we hope you'll come to our wedding in Iceland.

But first, if you prefer, you can start at the very beginning.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Family That Gays Together


In honor of this upcoming weekend -- a weekend that will include receiving, holding, weighing, snuggling, stuffing, and eventually mailing our wedding invitations -- I present you with the following: a photo of my grandmother deeply engrossed in The Advocate.

Tomorrow is grandma's ninety-first birthday, which she will celebrate by spending time with her family and planning on getting a new passport.

 Sorry about the blog  post title, Grandma. Thank you for not having a computer. Oh, and happy birthday.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

One More Message From Mom


From: Mom
To: Dan
Subject: yech

Just googled Steve King.  The man is an ignorant pig.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Message From Mom

From: Mom
To: Dan

Okay, who the hell is Steve King (and don't worry, we already hate him). No possible relation to our favorite author, Stephen King, I assume. As much as I really didn't quite get the logic when you first decided on Iceland, with each posting it's becoming more and more sensible. We're really on board honey.